Now the question is, how to make use of this new energy for your highest and best good. What we recommend is first thing, first thing in the morning , as you wake up, to attune to the universal whole, to universal consciousness. It is there for the taking. There are many select masters working endlessly to hold this configuration in place for all others that are ready to ascend to, attune to it, you understand? It is like a signal, you may think of it as such that is broadcast to those that are willing to look up and not down. So upon awakening take a pause, turn to your alarm clock and set it perhaps for a minute or two or five would be the preferred recommendation. So everyone make this mental note and the channeler will do her due diligence to send out the appropriate email reminder message. To elect to arise in the three to five minute earlier time segment to afford yourselves opportunity for attunement.
As you attune to the unified whole, the unified consciousness, you have the amplified configuration, the universal glow if you will, that will afford you to speed through your day in lightening quick speed. What this means dear comrades is that you will work like a laser beam.You will hone in on your desired target, whatever you wish to manifest. Some of these ideas will be streaming from your lower consciousness and this is fine. So if you have a direct linear need, you have need for a certain brand of pudding, or bread or what have you for the recipe for the evening, well low and behold, because you are connected to the whole, you will most easily, more easily and effectively arrive at your desired product. The channeler is noticing this. Right away she just happens, yes. there is no accidents as your know, to click on the right site and low and behold is her needed item. It is because she has learned through our guidance to attune to the universal consciousness and because she recognizes that it is all her, she just looks through her own memory banks and finds where the product is stored, boom. She is there, you see? Imagine how quickly you could win the game of the battleship or what have you, if you recognize that you are also playing on the other side of the board, it is similar to this.
Remember, when you dream from the collective whole, from the unified, well then you can get things done and avoid a myriad of other options which are hardly needed. Now from a much grander objective and perspective this consciousness will afford you the ability to time leap if you will. In other words you will be speeding up your ego script quite simply. Because you are recognizing the whole, you will be swimming through, easily, gliding, through the historical lessons that have the stumbling blocks for many of you. You see, the channeler recently had the experience of her old friend, the judgment. She called out to the ethers and suddenly got corrective lens or vision. She believed she received this from another spiritual individual but in truth, it is all her, it was truly her Higher Self. So this is her opportunity to become quite aware of the gifts she bestows to herself. And so as she receives this higher wisdom, the healing occurs. Why? Because she is connected to her whole self and therefore is working at a much quicker pace to remove the blockages to love. Now how this works out in your dream time reality, is once you hook up to the unified whole, these messages, these broadcasts come through at a much more rapid pace. It is not that everyone else is left to die and suffer. It is simply because you have elected to walk out of the mirage, you are simply finding the quick way out of the puzzle, yes?
Now, you still have your due diligence. You still have opportunity to resist truth. To follow the ego's voice, the ego's voice of the fear, of the judgment, of the doubt. It is still a matter of personal choice. This is a free will zone. However when you engage in the higher attunement, when you say yes, I am willing to do my part and clean up my consciousness, take ownership for everything I witness - magic occurs.
You see the politicians engaging in declarations of war, and you begin to recognize the politician to be that aspect of your own self that believes in the concept of "war". You see war can be your anger at the other driver who just cut you off. Do you see? There is no energy of that which believes in war that is separate from you. It is in claiming ownership of all of the facets of your dream time reality you then forgive all facets, recognize them to be aspects of the whole of which you are. And you signal to your Higher Self, Yes, I am ready, I am ready to come home.
So let's try this out shall we? We ask each individual participating to signal to your Higher Self at this time your desire, to signal to your Higher Self the readiness to be amplified, to become one with Unified Consciousness, with the Whole, with the wish to ascend from your lower consciousness, from your lower belief systems. You see? As you identify willingness to do so, well that request is heard and received. In truth it is simply a signal to your Whole Self. You are simply having a conversation between you and you. That is how powerful you are. That is how close to your new reality you are.
So let us take a moment dear ones and attune. Attune to our whole. We speak in terms of "our" because it is our unified whole as well. This is the reason why each of you are able to receive this transmission. It is because you are not separate from us. It is quite important for you to embrace this. To put this into the cellular structure of your being. That you in fact are one, one with us. One with this transmission, one with your ascended consciousness and one with the unified whole.
So let us begin, we ask you to take a deep breath and to release it fully and to now receive - to receive your new identification with unified consciousness. Receive unified consciousness, receive the awareness that truly all is One. Pause and receive.
Step up dear friends to this new way of being, new way of thinking, new way of dwelling on your new Gaia. We will continue to broadcast this high frequency for delivery. For delivery to your cellular structure. Dear ones of the Light - you are standing up in a powerful way at this time. You are the recipients of Truth. As you have now declared your willingness to represent Truth, understand there will be those that are still lost in the mirage, that will be led to you for healing. You will notice it. "Isn't it odd that this person came up to me and shared their woes. Isn't it odd that I seem to keep driving by accidents. I wonder why that is?" Indeed you are being called to serve. So be it no accident where you find yourself. "Isn't it interesting that I continue to find myself in pockets of conflict." Do not resist the experiences and continue to travel with Love. You see your love energy is needed for the healing of Gaia. And so your first aid kit will be called. Be it no wonder that you are being sent.
You are a holy child of God who is now affirming and recognizing your holiness. Continue to serve for the benefit of others as well as your own holy self Never doubt your potential. Never doubt your significance. We don't. We alert you to the need to trust. To trust there is a reason for your presence at this time. To trust in your divine appointment. Each of you has been preselected to serve, to serve mightily, to serve with love. Continue to be the flame in the middle of the darkness. Continue to remember to arise each morning, to set the alarm clock for three to five minutes before normal awakening and to set the intention to signal to your spirit guides, to your spiritual committee,to your own holy Higher Self of the desire to ascend, the desire for amplification of your field of consciousness, the desire to be one with truth. To be unified consciousness arising, unified consciousness breathing, unified consciousness waking up humanity. And so it is.