You see everything is created based on your belief, correct? So you have the ego mind, the old stuff, and it is just that. It is old. It is hardly worth your time or focus. You now possess access to the new concepts, the new ideas, the new frequency patterns and we ask you to dwell, we ask you to meditate on them and we ask you to assert that you have the right to them . You see it is not that suddenly the old stuff gets purged, dismissed, thrown away, is no longer available. It will be there for sure, it will be available to test you. It will see how quickly it can trip you up. But our holy point dear ones is that you understand that you are the master dealing with the lower consciousness, dealing with the old energies. Do you understand you have risen above the situation and you can see it for what it is now?
So it is not that you're trying to get rid of anything. It is more so that you are looking for a higher place, a higher perch. Imagine the bird on the branch of a tree. When the bird views the ground it is able to see the whole picture of things, yes? What you will find is you will become accustomed to seeing things for what they are. In other words, as you hold the light, as you hold the higher frequencies, you will have your day of reckoning. You will begin to start noticing the ego patterns, you understand, when you find yourself quietly dismissing yourself , "Oh, that's okay, I don't need that". You will begin to recognize it as an ego pattern. You will see it. When you find yourself unwilling to try something new out of fear, that's an ego pattern. When you watch someone else going on and on and on with their story ad nauseam at times, it's an ego pattern. What you are going to find, is you are going to start resonating with who you really are, with your higher frequency, your higher awareness. And this new frequency affords you the ability to see the truth, to see the dream for what it is.
You have heard this before, yes? That you are dreaming, you are dreaming a dream of lower consciousness. It is as simple as that. The good news is however that each of you and we confirming, each of you has access at this time to a higher frequency . You see, so it is not about worrying about what happened in the past. Who cares? We don't and you shouldn't either. "But you don't understand, you don't know what I did in third grade and 10th grade, and in my last marriage?" Do you see? The list goes on and on and this is just one lifetime. If we could show you your whole bundle of all these lifetimes - do you see if you take that approach with what you've done through all of
your lifetimes - we will be here for years. And the ascension will never take place, there will hardly be time you see?
It is not so much about beating yourself up. You don't need to. You only need to be able to observe, to witness, to release. We ask you, for you to take the holy moment to take the holy pause and to allow yourself some relief about this. "So you mean I don't have to take out the lash and punish myself for every little thing I have done for this lifetime. And I hear I have had over 1000 lifetimes so what about all of those too?" And so you see dear ones there is grace. There is a pardoning if you will that is occurring for those that are ready. It requires discernment, it requires wisdom, it requires seeing the forest from the trees. As you see your egoic patterns you have good opportunity now to simply notice. When you notice, you are no longer controlled by it, yes? If you see what you are doing, as you recognize it as the personality self rather than your true self you will have the dawning and you will awaken. This is what awakening is, it is rising above the dream. As you rise above the dream you will easily find the acquittal. You will not punish yourself, you will have the good wisdom like a good parent to forgive. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" - sound familiar? And you will forgive yourself because you will realize instantly that you were mistaken when you acted from the ego perspective, when you acted out of the lack of wisdom.
It is quite easy to do all the silly things and we do mean "all". We have all had the list of the silly things, the misdemeanors, when one was acting out of ego. This is the nature of the dream you are dreaming. A dream of silly things that are looking quite real at times and quite frightening. When you have the machine gun pointing at your nose and staring in your beady eyes, well it looks quite real inside an ego dream. We have all been there. Our holy point is you have the good fortune now to lay down the weapons, the weapons towards others, the weapons toward self. And as you begin, you will begin to notice the egoic patterns - as you see them in yourself and as you forgive, you will see them in another and you will forgive as well . "Ah, we have both been a little lost on this journey, you see".
It is time dear ones. It is a day of reckoning. It is time to be the leaders, the ones that have the good fortune, the ones that have the good karma to not be searching for a grain of wheat to survive the night. You see you have all
incarnated in fortunate circumstances. Some of you may challenge us on this when you have the electric bill to pay and when you don't have the good pennies to pay it. You may question your good fortune but of course you understand, in the bigger picture you all have the good fortune. You are already being served by the light and you do understand that you all have the good protection, yes? Have you noticed instances in your life when something could've happened, should've happened but it did not? You see, you all have the protection and why is that? It is because you have journeyed in this lifetime, to this state of consciousness, you think you're on a planet ,you think this physicality is quite real do you not? You have all journeyed to a state of consciousness. We repeat that. Allow that to sink in.
You are dreaming a state of consciousness. You have elected to pretend to exist in the state of consciousness for the purpose of waking up consciousness. So you see, so where do you begin? You begin by recognizing that you are carrying the keys of the kingdom within you. You have the ability to wake up consciousness and it does not require knocking on each door of your neighborhood. It does not require sending out 1 million postings on 1 million Facebook groups each day, though you may. These others of the light would love to receive your message. But first it is quite important to examine the state of consciousness in which the posting occurs. To examine the state of consciousness in which you knock on your neighbor's door. To examine the state of consciousness you choose to hold when you leave your door to go to work.
You see you are waking up consciousness, so it is important to take ownership for the consciousness that you carry. Each one of you is encoded with the gifts of the kingdom. Each one of you have the ability to awaken in this
lifetime, or perhaps if not this one, you may elect to awaken in the next one or the next. You each have many opportunities. Many opportunities for historical moments of great discovery. Some of you will discover great tablets, some of you will discover the ET's . You see you will recognize the good friends and you will have good parties. Each of you has an assignment you have been appointed with. So we ask you dear ones to get your house in order, get your holy house in order. You may sweep the floors, you may polish the windows. This is a good start. It clears your consciousness does it not? Once your consciousness is clear, the clutter is gone, which is symbolic of clearing the clutter of your holy mind , it is then time to begin to assert that you have the right, the ability and the freedom to awaken. You see you have the ability, and you begin by remembering that is why you are here. That is why you incarnated. That is why you came into this state of consciousness. To awaken consciousness.
So for the record ,there are quite a number of you that are quite successful in going into various states of consciousness to awaken them. Are you aware dear ones? There are many of you that have had the famous lifetimes, if you will, when you have gone into the lifetimes, when things were dark, the dark ages you may call them and you went in to be the light. There are a few of you that are resonating to this message yes? It is because you are beginning to remember. You are beginning to remember that it is not about cursing the darkness. It is not about being upset because there is darkness because quite frankly dear ones, this is why you elected to come. This is why you are needed. So do not be frustrated when the sign of the times look bad ,the sign of the times look bleak, "but things seem to be unfair". This is our holy point of course. That is why you have traveled here.
So take the holy breath, take the holy breath now, ask for the holy etheric hug and assert your right to freedom. This is about claiming your freedom because as you claim it you do the good fortune of bestowing the freedom to all the other lives you are going to touch and you're going to touch every other life on the planet that is ready to know the truth. There are those that will be touched forever by your spark of light. You may not know them, you may not even meet them in this lifetime on the physical plane, but they are there. They will resonate with your frequency, some perhaps will have traveled with you in other lifetimes and they will feel your energy when you send your prayers to holy Mother Earth. There are many reasons why particular ones will be drawn to your light, to your vibration, trust this, honor this, know this to be true. You all have your divine appointments.
We would also like to suggest to you at this time that you stop the silly competition game. And what do we mean by that? There are some of you looking to the right and to the left of you and saying, "Ah, he is channeling a bit better than me today, what is up with that? He is getting quite a following , I hope I can catch up". You must understand dear ones that this is not an egoic competition. You see, this is your ego mind and it is trapping you, it is keeping you in fear and it is asserting that "you better watch out, that other horse is gaining speed". You must understand dear ones that you are all on the same team. There is no competition, there is only service. Those that are meant to receive your teachings will find you. You need not worry if you delay yourself a bit. They will keep themselves busy. They will go bowling, they will find something to do until you are ready to serve, so do not worry, they will find you. They have their spirit guides, they have their teachers and they will be led and guided when your book comes out, comes to the bookstore. They will happen to be with their friend and their friend will suggest they go to the bookstore and lo and behold they will find your book at the right divine time. You cannot miss. The end is assured. Mother Earth will awaken.
We are here to support the awakening. We are here to support those that are ready to begin the journey now rather than later, you see? You have the free will to postpone, we cannot interfere with that, but if you are ready to
begin now we can assure you that the help is here. Help is provided in every holy moment . So whether you delight in attuning to channeled material, whether you delight in calling us individually,we ask that you understand we
are available 24/7. We do not sleep, we do not need it. So call on us. Trust us when we say you are not waiting on our help, you are waiting on your decision, your decision to say yes to your divine appointment. Some of you will become quite famous,some of you will do it quietly. Do not buy into the idea that the one that becomes famous is any more holier, anymore advanced than the one that assists quietly. You understand these are all egoic concepts yes? This is a dream so someone has celebrity status and someone does not in a dream - none of it's really real, it does not matter. What matters is that you follow your soul. What matters is you follow your heart. What matters is you follow the awakening of your heart in the name of service, in the name of service, with an end result of ending the illusion of the pain and suffering on your holy planet.
Of course it is an illusion, it is not real, it is a dream ,but each of you know what it is like to be dreaming the nightmare at night. You would not want that for a loved one, for yourself. And so dear ones, the inhabitants of holy Mother Earth, they are all our loved ones, are they not? They are dreaming the dream of despair, the dream of a nightmare and it is time dear ones to serve in the awakening, to recognize, I was just dreaming, it was not real. It was a bit scary though. And then you will have the good holy belly laugh upon awakening. We invite you, we invite you to remember to wake up each morning in the name of service, in the name of serving the light, in the name of serving your awakened heart. And trust that as you go about your day in the name of service, all of your many needs will be provided for. You will see the golden coins will appear, the friendships will appear. Whatever you need will suddenly appear. And why is that? It is because you are going with the flow as they say. You are participating in the spiritual dance. You see light attracts light light. Light will follow you, love will follow you because you will be following it. It will be hard to hide from the good fortune. It will find you. It will find your forwarding address. And the good checks will appear at your new address. It is spiritual law . Again we say, it will find you because light attracts light and you are now following the light.
So at this time we wish to bestow you with the precious gifts of the light. We ask you dear ones as you open up to receive, understand that you are receiving for the benefit of yourself and all those that will be touched by your vibration. It is holy work that you were doing, it is important work and we the Masters thank you, thank you for the efforts you have made up till now in the efforts. We know you well, as you advance you see, we know each of your futures, you see we do not judge. We do not count mistakes, we do not judge what you would call the blunders. Spirit does not care by the way,spirit only cares that you pick yourself up and you try again. And even if you take a few holy moments to sit there in the mud and have the quiet weeping we will bring someone by with the tissues, with the Kleenex. We will wait patiently until you are ready. So we thank you, we thank you for caring. We thank you for resonating with the higher truth ,the higher truth that there is no separation. There is no separation between us and you and there is no separation between you and the rest of the planet.
So how much of an influence can you have in this holy lifetime? You truly have no idea. It will be life-changing. You will change many lives, each of you. Your vibration assures you of that. So go in peace, go in love and go in service. So we ask you again to relax and to receive. To receive in the name of truth to receive in the name of who you truly are you. You all understand on the intellectual level at least yes? You understand that you are not the name you have been given in this lifetime. You are more than that, yes? It is time to begin to resonate and identify with the more that you are. Do you see this is where your power is, this is where your awakening is. Begin to identify with the truth of who you are. You are more than just the name you were given. And now dear ones we ask you to receive, receive the light, receive your holiness, receive your truth dear ones. You are holy. You are holiness itself. Claim that,, know that to be true.
Resonate with who you truly are. You are the light you are the light of your world, of your individual world. Know that as you claim that ,you afford others to claim it as well. So do not be afraid to hold your light. In truth, it is the greatest gift you could ever bestow upon another. And so it is.