Say yes to your Dreams. What are you dreaming of today? Is it time to make it a reality? You can you know. Dreams are in-spired from Spirit. They are there to help you to your next goal, your next step. So what is the best way to create a dream. To understand that you had the Power all along. You have the Power to create what You desire. The Key is to Trust the Higher You in your creations, in your desires, in your manifestation process. Perhaps your Higher Self has been waiting to have a turn in participating in your creations. What you desire can easily manifest according Your Higher Self's will. Do you see? In other words, when you allow your Higher Self to have a say, play a part in what is best, you may be led to even further ideas, even better plans. Doors will open, walls will come. Berlin Wall anyone? Manifest with the Will of your Higher Self and make All of your Dreams come True