Art by Lauren Kelly of Ginger Kelly studio www.artbygingerkelly.com/
Channeling transmissions include Powerful Clearings that are now available as our ascension has arrived. Each beautiful soul will also receive individual messages and personal clearings are often included as well.
The Zoom videoconferencing link and passcode will be sent to you in an email confirmation. If you are accessing Zoom through a cellphone or ipad, you will just need to download the Zoom app first. Payment of $20 Www.paypal.me/TeachingsoftheMaster or at Venmo:@teachingsofthemasters or https://buy.stripe.com/28o8xH05gekM9NK3cc.
Recordings of all sessions can be found by going to the Online Channeling Group recordings drop down tab. Come join us!
Channeling transmissions include Powerful Clearings that are now available as our ascension has arrived. Each beautiful soul will also receive individual messages and personal clearings are often included as well.
The Zoom videoconferencing link and passcode will be sent to you in an email confirmation. If you are accessing Zoom through a cellphone or ipad, you will just need to download the Zoom app first. Payment of $20 Www.paypal.me/TeachingsoftheMaster or at Venmo:@teachingsofthemasters or https://buy.stripe.com/28o8xH05gekM9NK3cc.
Recordings of all sessions can be found by going to the Online Channeling Group recordings drop down tab. Come join us!