She is in need of healing, she is in need of recognizing her own truth, her own worth and value in this lifetime. She has been climbing the mountain for others, it is time to scale the wall for herself. For too long she has seen herself, viewed herself as secondary. Enough is enough with this poor evaluation. You see, she has such hopes, such dreams, such expectations for belief if you will in others.. she sees the best, wishes the best.. expects the best if you will. But she pulls the plug on herself. This is what must go, this is what must be evacuated, extinguished. In order to make this a number one priority, she must see her own healing as such. Why is another more important than herself, you see? She is committed to healing the planet, yes? She is extension of that beauty she is committed to seeing with-out. She must come to see herself as a beautiful extension of that beauty. She must come to witness the beautiful transformation from within. As she goes it alone she will fail. It is here where we offer her a helping hand. She must look within and discover who goes with her. She is not alone. She has much riches. Riches overflowing if you will as she learns how to pick from her own garden. You see her own garden needs tending. Not from without, but from within. She must honor her true Self with no apologies, no exceptions. She must forgive all that she finds within. As she releases the garbage so to speak, as she finds at-one-ment and peace from within, well, then we are talking, then we can sprinkle her tulips with our own special healing touches. The question is, does she recognize herself as worthy. She has vowed to help others, to be of assistance to many. Her day of reckoning begins as she allows herself to be assisted. You see, the assistance is all ready, totally ready, is at her beck and call as she finds herself fit to receive. She must totally forgive the Self and honor the Self. As she does, she will find herself grooming herself daily for self mastery and assisting others readily. She must decide to make her garden grow, her flowers stand upright. As she does, as she recognizes, comes to own the image of herself as the beautiful flower standing upright, this is key, then she will be well on her way. She must not apologize for who she is, you see. This has been her misdemeanor. She must own all parts, she must forgive and come to awaken all aspects of Self. To thine own self be true. As she awakens, it will be easy as pie, a skip in the park to awaken and serve others. This will be the easy part you may say. The first step is her own awakening. Her own forgiveness of Self. And her own grooming. This is key. She must see herself as an extension of that which she looks outside of herself and recognizes is in need of healing. In truth there is only "herself" out there anyway. It is time to look/go within and know that truly she has what it takes to make it happen.