She is having a preview of things to come if she continues to hold the linear thoughts of the past, the old garbage if you will. Then of course, that is what she will manifest for she is co-creative, and powerful There is a little bit of congestion on her heart. Congestion of her sinuses, this is indicative of the issues at hand. In other words, which thoughts and belief systems of the past does she wish to retain and which that she wishes to discard.
It is almost like being in a moving van, as a group member was just discussing prior to the start of this group. In other words, when you move you have the opportunity to haul all with you, or get rid of the trash, get rid of the excess baggage, get rid of that which no longer serves the light. And this is what our fine channeler is in the process of. She is discerning what she wants to keep metaphysically, metaphorically speaking and which she's ready to discard. And it is to her credit that she is holding each item up to the light to do a bit of life review. As she holds each belief system, she holds it to the light and ponders, how is this belief system serving me? Is this really needed? Is this positive? Is this lacking luster? Is this a generational teaching that I no longer wish to carry?
So you see, as the material processes through her conscious and unconscious awareness there is a little bit more of a stagnant energy or cold as she is experiencing. As she continues to hold these thoughts up to the light, as she continues to consider each nuance of each belief system, each thought which she is been carrying around for years, eons it seems like, lifetimes so she has the opportunity for complete healing. And understand this is what the resurrection is about. Resurrection is about raising one's consciousness so as one heals the body one in tandem is healing the mind, and as she was sharing with her dear friends on Skype, it is in fact “all mind”. So we use our fine channeler as an example of what it is that we are trying to teach.
We are here to teach you about mind. We are here to teach you about consciousness and we are here to demonstrate how purposeful it is to not assume that your past has to equal your future. In fact your past no longer look looks like your present so what are the chances it will know will look nothing like your future? Very good. We would say, this is our holy point.
All of you are being invited in your own turn to go through the process of cleanup committee you may say. Our channeler feels a bit like she is being put through the dishwasher, through the ringer she may say. It has been a long haul, but quite purposeful. So she is experiencing it on a physical level because of course she her conscious self at least believes herself to be the body so anything that is being experienced on the unconscious or subtle levels is also being translated through the body. In fact know that all of you are at various stages of the same protocol.
At some point, when you are ready for liftoff, when you are ready for your next level ,when you have been charged or supercharged as our channeler has been, it is thenimportant to hold you at the gate for a bit and give you an opportunity, sort of like a life review before the end of life. It is an opportunity for safeguarding we should say. So you do not bring some of the trash forward with your super duper powers. So for each of you, as you are making your way through your day, become more consciously aware of your thoughts, or your belief systems, of your knee-jerk reactions to things. Take note. Which ones do you still want to put your name on. Just because you notice a belief, it doesn't mean that you want to keep it.
In fact many of your thoughts, most of your thoughts in fact primarily have nothing to do with you. They have to do with the way you were raised. They have to do with your enculturation. In other words what is your culture belief? If we took a look at a babies thoughts and took a look at your thoughts you could be quite surprised, but then of course you factor in the prior lifetimes and how many thoughts are fears from other lives. Again, what we are getting at is fine opportunity you now have to clean house. You have opportunity to bring in the new. To bring in higher conscious awareness thoughts. In fact they are all streaming quite beautifully in all our group members this morning. So it is not that they are not there. It is that they are beautiful and crystalline, but there is so much dirty water around it should we say that sometimes it is hard to see the light, it is hard to see the beautiful stone. This is the picture that we pointed out to the channeler this morning when she did our daily message we had the beautiful rock the beautiful heart rock in the middle of all the great rocks. Did you happen to notice? And this is our holy point.
Pay attention to the light thoughts. Pay attention to the thoughts from heaven so to speak. They are mighty and powerful as you can continue to clean your cupboard, as you continue to wash away your driveway or paint your new trailer what you will find is you have opportunity to choose. Yes, this one will stay but this one will go. Understand that we are in essence part of your higher self. You believe us to be the Masters you are speaking with. In fact we are all one on the highest level . So who is this that you are having a conversation with? Inviting you to align with the higher truths? Of course it is your own higher self. You have orchestrated this time together, whether you are in our our channeling group, or reading our words on the internet. You have orchestrated this remembrance of who you truly are you. You have the divine right, the power to choose. You are not victim to the past. You're not victim to generational teachings and you are not victim to your belief systems. You are Divinity and You are Love and you are Very Powerful.