You are learning to trust yourself and realize, recognize that "you are enough". For some reason you believe in the power of "lack". Truly lack is a no-thing. As you re-establish your right, your heavenly right to receive, to be open to receiving everything and anything that you need and that de-lights you will simply dismiss the old notion and create, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of the hat. The secret therefore is devotion to Truth. What are you w(holy) devoted to. Because you are an extension of the creative force of the Universe. Of all that is. And what you are devoted to, what you believe in, what you put your belief in, you will create, manifest and see more of. Our feeling is that you believe in lack. Lack within self, Lack within the Universe, lack within your pretty purse. And what you believe is true, you will see, you will feel and you will experience. Spend some time, spend some holy moments in pray, in devotion, in devotion to your true Buddha nature. Into the holiness that is within you. You are an extension of the Father/Mother God, of all that Is. Truly there is no-thing that you cannot obtain. But seeking is finding and right now, you seem convinced that "you are not enough". What if you truly understood your power. What if you truly understood how much you were Loved. That you are Love Itself. Truly no-thing is missing from you. No-thing. As you dwell upon this. As you meditate upon this, truly you will be uplifted and restored back to Truth. It is a question of your belief. Restore your belief back to Truth, back to Wholeness, back to love. Sit with this for awhile, meditate with this, pray with this understanding that Truly you are Already Whole, You are Already Love, You are Love Itself. And so it is. (Seek thee first the Kingdom of Heaven and truly all your needs will be provided, your miracle will be created, but not by acting out of lack, but through the power of God's holy energy which is yours. Truly you are One with the Father/Mother, now, with All that is. )