Say yes to your Dreams. What are you dreaming of today? Is it time to make it a reality? You can you know. Dreams are in-spired from Spirit. They are there to help you to your next goal, your next step. So what is the best way to create a dream. To understand that you had the Power all along. You have the Power to create what You desire. The Key is to Trust the Higher You in your creations, in your desires, in your manifestation process. Perhaps your Higher Self has been waiting to have a turn in participating in your creations. What you desire can easily manifest according Your Higher Self's will. Do you see? In other words, when you allow your Higher Self to have a say, play a part in what is best, you may be led to even further ideas, even better plans. Doors will open, walls will come. Berlin Wall anyone? Manifest with the Will of your Higher Self and make All of your Dreams come True
The times they are a'changing. Do you see? Do you understand? No longer do things have to take a long time to manifest. You can manifest "like that". No longer does it have to take years to heal an old worn-out pattern. You can release it "like that". Surrender is key. Surrender to the Truth that you Are the creator on this plane of consciousness. And you choose what you will have. But Sananda, what about the unconscious material blocking my progress, what about that? Surrender it all. "I do not know what needs releasing spirit, but I surrender it all now. I forgive that I may be forgiven, any and all participants in all lifetimes of consciousness". I forgive any and all participants. I choose to walk in the Light. I release my past that I may go forward I choose to be healed today. I choose to release any and all patterns of thought and behavior which no longer serve me. Spirit, reveal to me anything I still need to release or forgive so that I may continue to walk in the Light. So my step may be lighter. My outlook brighter, and my lens clearer. Perception is key. For as you clean your holy lens, miracles will occur. You mean, it was all just my perception? Windex anyone?
Hold a candle on an altar with Mother Mary's picture. Before you place this picture, go through all the pictures you possess of her, and take your time in connecting with which picture you choose. Why do you choose that particular one? What particular qualities of her, resonate for you in the picture. This exercise alone will allow you to take some meditative time in connecting with her energy. Remember that Mother Mary on some level, actually represents that Higher Self that you too possess. So as you connect with her energies that you like and admire and create that sacred union between the two of you, please understand that on another level, you are simply connecting, or re-connecting we would like to say with that true Divine Presence within you. Without creating blasphemy, you are Mother Mary. You possess all the divine qualities that she possesses. From the point of a linear perspective, it serves the at-one-ment to still think of her as a historical figure for now- as you begin to make the transition to lighter energies, imagine her to be a spiritual being of a very high awareness, and then at some point, the two merge and you come to realize, that she represents to you while you are still in three dimensional reality, that aspect, that is truly your Divine Self. Quite a riddle we pose to you, no? We think you will get the hang of it. For now, go through the pictures, take some quiet time to meditate on which one you choose to select- take some more quality time to search your heart for the true reasons why you resonate with the photo- then perform the ceremony and light the candle in front of the photo. In this way, you are honoring the "light" you see in her, and are acknowledging and paying reverence to her Divinity- that is also present in you.It is a risk worth taking, self love. Know herself worthy of these treasures that she seeks and they will arrive at her doorstep. As she steps out in faith a bit more, she will find more opportunities to manifest her treasured desires. The coursework stems from within. Does she feel worthy of opportunities? How does she feel about her abilities, her "wares" so to speak. As she develops her own confidence in her abilities, when she knows that she is offering "gold" so to speak and she is entitled to receive appropriate payments for her services. The key is in owning her Truth. How much is she willing to love her gifts, believe in her abilities and then sell them to the world. One step at a time on this one. Do some market research. Of what value are her commodities that she possess? She must see them as treasures to know them to be worthy. As she does, she has the distinct opportunity to deliver her goods to the world with "value". Value first must come from her- then the world will have the opportunity to reflect that back to her.
Dear Reiki healing artist.. we bring you good news.. you are bringing joy and upliftment to others, just simply by your amazing presence. So please understand and know that even before you have responded to their needs on a physical level, you have already touched their heart and soul on a much higher spiritual level. Now, in regards to your question, it is simply a mater of faith to know and to lean how to "tune in" some more. As you have more faith in your abilities to do this, you will "notice", that your "own blockages" to receiving this information will dissipate. The name of the game therefore is "trust yourself". As you learn to serve two masters not, but your True Higher Self, the other master being fear, you will naturally tune into this higher vibratory information yourself. Remember, on the higher planes we are all indeed One, so all needed and necessary information is afforded to you, when the right consciousness is present. You have been doing a good job, excellent actually in establishing appropriate boundaries with others. Now, it is a matter of adjusting your tuning fork if you will a little bit, to let the cat out of the bag.. to allow the knowledge to be forthcoming. With the right intention and holy awareness that we are all One on a soul level, this type of information will be provided. Call on us when you are in need of assistance..spirit guides and angels, or substitute whatever spiritual support you wish, please assist, guides and support me in growing in this awareness. Ask and it shall be given, knock and the door shall be opened. We surround you with our love and blessings.. may all serve the at-one-ment.. Peace
You are always in your right place at the right time. So the question is what is the moment teaching you? Is it teaching you to slow down? Is it teaching you to advance? Is it teaching you to pay more attention to your thoughts? To your intuitive feelings? In other words, see each and every moment as your teacher. Welcome it. Do not avoid it. Do not see it as trouble, or boredom, or to be feared. This moment, is alive, filled to the brim with teachings for you, if you will listen, if you will open your heart to receive. Life is your teacher. There are new patterns of healing to be discovered. New patterns of learning that await you. The trick, or secret if you will, is to be open to "what is". Do not think it needs to be any different then it already is. What is, holds all that you need to advance, to take your new step of learning, of understanding, of seeing. So be open. Be open to learning, to growing, to healing Right Now. And so it is. |