Hold a candle on an altar with Mother Mary's picture. Before you place this picture, go through all the pictures you possess of her, and take your time in connecting with which picture you choose. Why do you choose that particular one? What particular qualities of her, resonate for you in the picture. This exercise alone will allow you to take some meditative time in connecting with her energy. Remember that Mother Mary on some level, actually represents that Higher Self that you too possess. So as you connect with her energies that you like and admire and create that sacred union between the two of you, please understand that on another level, you are simply connecting, or re-connecting we would like to say with that true Divine Presence within you. Without creating blasphemy, you are Mother Mary. You possess all the divine qualities that she possesses. From the point of a linear perspective, it serves the at-one-ment to still think of her as a historical figure for now- as you begin to make the transition to lighter energies, imagine her to be a spiritual being of a very high awareness, and then at some point, the two merge and you come to realize, that she represents to you while you are still in three dimensional reality, that aspect, that is truly your Divine Self. Quite a riddle we pose to you, no? We think you will get the hang of it. For now, go through the pictures, take some quiet time to meditate on which one you choose to select- take some more quality time to search your heart for the true reasons why you resonate with the photo- then perform the ceremony and light the candle in front of the photo. In this way, you are honoring the "light" you see in her, and are acknowledging and paying reverence to her Divinity- that is also present in you.
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