What you are doing in fact coming to these channeling groups as well as other sources in locations throughout the planet, and through the Internet you now have access to it all, so through many divine source outlet you are reassembling yourself. You are calling on the right to speed up the meditation process. "Well I can go to a Himalayan cave and I can meditate for perhaps 10 years. I have heard Masters do that and perhaps then I will have an awareness of what's going on." Do you see this is the old outdated method. Energies are coming to speed things, because you as a collective consciousness have requested this. Even the way our current channeler channels is a bit antiquated and outdated. As she moves into her higher dimensions she will channel a bit lighter, a bit easier. She will not need the old telephone so to speak.
And so this is what we are bringing to you through the channeling. You do not need to meditate for the 10 years in order to advance quickly. Do you understand? You have the right to download this information because you as a group consciousness, the group consciousness of the Higher Self of the Christ is One and is choosing to awaken. So because your belief system is changing, "I believe I can awaken", you are calling to you methods of awakening .
We could not come here and provide this message to Earth if you as a collective consciousness had not chosen to awaken. So you have established this group. You have said, let me have the means by which I can awaken. Allow me to have the means by which I can empower myself. We heard your call. We cannot override free will, but because it is your free will that you are using to call awakening to you, well here we are. So just how powerful are you as a group? Do you understand? you are mighty and it is time to reflect on that.
It is time to reflect on who you understand yourself to be. "Well, through my own desire to awaken I have called to myself the Ascended Masters to come talk to me. To come channel enlightened heavenly energy to me. Well, I must be quite powerful". You understand then, this is exactly what has occurred. And the more that you own that, the more you will understand just how powerful you are. So we welcome every one of you to our channeling, and to our channeling energy. And we hold the vision that it will be a fantastic year. Understand that we walk with you. It is important for each of you to hold hands. Hold hands with each other and hold hands with your spiritual counterparts. There are many on the other side of the veil that are working with you diligently. So breathe that in, and do not for a second, not a millisecond ever believe otherwise. Namaste.