Begin to notice throughout your day where you are choosing (action verb), to give up your power. Begin to do it in the small, seemingly insignificant things- "Oh, I think I will have the small sandwich for lunch, that is what I always have". "But today, I feel like having a salad". Do you notice the change when you do that? There is enlistment. There is power in that choice. For you are creating choice in your moment. I, as the master creator, can choose anew. and, if I can choose a different sandwich meal today, hmm, I wonder what else I can choose. "CREATION". We all have the innate power. The question is - are we willing to use it? Are we willing to wake up to it? Are we willing to become aware and take responsibility for it. "Well, my life would be complete if only" - hogwash. You are the creator of your life.
If you don't like what you see - choose again. "But I have no choice - I have to go to work at this dead-end job." Do you? Perhaps it is best to keep the job a little while longer. But how you "frame" your job will impact the potentiality of the next job and the next and the next - Do you see? Feel the energy and excitement in the new phrase: I have the potential to change jobs in the near future. For the moment I will bless this one and be grateful it is giving me the income to put food on my table at night for my evening meal. And while I am here I will use my God given potentiality to see, even play with - bring lightness to this. I wonder what changes I can begin to make to my consciousness, one thought at a time. Let me be the light in the room. Let me bring lightness and joy with me to my current job. Let me bring my consciousness up to get ready for my new job when it appears so that I will be a perfect match to the new job energetically. Do you see what I am getting at - fear produces fear- idolatry produces idolatry- laughter produces laughter- joy produces joy.
Create my friends, create happiness, create love, create joy and create peace. In every moment you are the creator. There are no two ways about it. Learn to create consciously and you will begin to create heaven on Earth. In True Friendship, I remain - Sananda
If you don't like what you see - choose again. "But I have no choice - I have to go to work at this dead-end job." Do you? Perhaps it is best to keep the job a little while longer. But how you "frame" your job will impact the potentiality of the next job and the next and the next - Do you see? Feel the energy and excitement in the new phrase: I have the potential to change jobs in the near future. For the moment I will bless this one and be grateful it is giving me the income to put food on my table at night for my evening meal. And while I am here I will use my God given potentiality to see, even play with - bring lightness to this. I wonder what changes I can begin to make to my consciousness, one thought at a time. Let me be the light in the room. Let me bring lightness and joy with me to my current job. Let me bring my consciousness up to get ready for my new job when it appears so that I will be a perfect match to the new job energetically. Do you see what I am getting at - fear produces fear- idolatry produces idolatry- laughter produces laughter- joy produces joy.
Create my friends, create happiness, create love, create joy and create peace. In every moment you are the creator. There are no two ways about it. Learn to create consciously and you will begin to create heaven on Earth. In True Friendship, I remain - Sananda