This is Sananda, and it is a good day. There is air in your lungs, you are taking in the manna of the church. You, my friend, are your own church. Do not hold idolatry in what others can do. It is for you to understand what you can accomplish at this time. Need a miracle? Seek and you shall find.
Where does it say that you need to be poor in this lifetime? "The cards say" (channeler had received a tarot card reading just prior to receiving this channeling). Hogwash, I say, and good riddance to the cards. The cards are teaching you about you, nothing more and You control your destiny. The moment you let or allow another to teach you or tell you your path, you are lost, you are a goner. You are saying the power is out there. The power is never out there my friend unless you choose to allow it to seem that way. The power is within your own heart and soul.
What do you choose to have for breakfast? Well, "Dr. Oz says". Bologna, people. Dr. Oz is a figment of your imagination. You have manifested him to restore balance to your working bodily function, but folks, and hear me well, he could not be, unless YOU manifested him. Do you understand the point? You are the manifester and creator of ALL that you witness on Earth.
Can you change everything in a flash, a heartbeat? Perhaps not externally, but that is why I said, when posed the question regarding the paying of the taxes: [ "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's Matthew 22:21 ] , but move on to your power. In other words, allow your infiltration of your power to seep in. YOU are manifesting the circumstances you are witnessing. Don't like them- change them. But not in fear, not in cowardness, but in true identification with the Source. I am the Source of all before me. I am the creator of this. There is no external outside force exerting influence upon you. "Well, the Universe has decreed", folks, and hear this well, for as it is decreed so it is, You are the Universe. You are the one in charge. Need a miracle, perform a miracle. "But it is too hard. Only you Sananda, can perform miracles" and I say hogwash to that too. You are all journeymen back to Truth- each and everyone of you. You have all the same quota of God energy within. YOU are dictating from within how you choose to use it. What will I have today. "But Sananda, my circumstances are not as favorable as this person's." And so, perhaps over lifetimes, your interference with the acknowledgment of the Truth of who you are has led you to feel small, has led you to feel undeserving and so you have allowed only the small pellets of food to be served on your plate of life. Choose again my fellow friends and comrades in Truth. Choose again.
This is life. There is a reason for life. This is not a mistake. You are not a mistake. You were destined to be here. Each and everyone of you. But you in your infinite wisdom must decide what you will have in your three square meals each day. The love of power, judgment and condemnation or the love of God sourced energy, innate wisdom and power. The energy of the Universe, the cosmos is literally infiltrated in your cellular structure. How would you function otherwise? How could you be even in existence? Did you ever wonder about that? Why do you exist? How do you exist? What keeps you going? Wake up sleepyheads. Did you you ever say that to the small wee ones in the morning? Wake up and arise.
There is grandeur to be discovered. Take your holy foot out of the bed you slumber in, in the morning and say: "Today I will be holy. Today, I will acknowledge my self mastery. Today I will discover my purpose for being on this planet. Today I am awakening". And during your day, when you remember these words, reframe your experience. If you find yourself agreeing to a conversation filled with negativity, say to yourself, "And what purpose is there in using the God given resources that I possess to focus on the negative- to create more negativity"- for that is what you are doing my friends. You are infiltrating your consciousness with even more negative thought patterns- so in the idle conversation- I will choose to select the positive, "ah, but it is a beautiful day today. But that is a nice bonnet you are wearing today Harriet." And do not judge these others for the engagement of the strife of the negative newsfeed if you will. For have you ALL not been doing so for hundreds and thousands of years. So who am I to judge this behavior. Yes, I have done this. In fact, I was just engaging in it just a few minutes ago until my attention got a higher awareness. And that is the key- you have now energetically lifted yourself up- you have chosen to be a conscious creator in your day. And that is what the world needs now- Conscious Creators.
It is time to no longer blame the fathers and forefathers for the problems on Mother Earth. Whether it is a large scale issue, or an issue created at the office water cooler- they are all the same in actuality. "A problem external to me as I see it". The question is, do you have the willingness to arise in the morning, each and every morning now and learn a better way? It is time to choose Your love, Your power, Your Christhood power. The time of idolatry is over. I am not going to save you. But I am here as an instructor if you will have me, as you learn to save yourselves. Go in peace. Go in love. Go in service to the Truth. There is but one God and he lives and resides within me. To whom will I serve- where will I focus my attention. What will I teach myself and all of humanity about who I really am. Who we are really/really are. I am but one voice- but one voice plus one voice plus one voice creates a crowd my friend and one more voice creates a grouping and one more voice changes the world.
Do not be overwhelmed by the task at hand. "Me, Sananda, change the world? One small voice? But Sananda, what if that is not safe, What if I am judged, ridiculed, shot at? Then simply hold the intention. The mind is powerful to create, is it not. You can choose to not say a word, but instead hold the new thought, the new idea within your consciousness. One small inner voice it would be then. Either way, your consciousness is changed then, your awareness, your focus. And that is what this message is about Your life will never be the same when you decide/choose to start this process. You mean I had this power all along Sananda? Yes, my friend, you certainly did. Go in peace. Go in love and go in service. Until we speak again. I remain, your brother, your friend Sananda
Where does it say that you need to be poor in this lifetime? "The cards say" (channeler had received a tarot card reading just prior to receiving this channeling). Hogwash, I say, and good riddance to the cards. The cards are teaching you about you, nothing more and You control your destiny. The moment you let or allow another to teach you or tell you your path, you are lost, you are a goner. You are saying the power is out there. The power is never out there my friend unless you choose to allow it to seem that way. The power is within your own heart and soul.
What do you choose to have for breakfast? Well, "Dr. Oz says". Bologna, people. Dr. Oz is a figment of your imagination. You have manifested him to restore balance to your working bodily function, but folks, and hear me well, he could not be, unless YOU manifested him. Do you understand the point? You are the manifester and creator of ALL that you witness on Earth.
Can you change everything in a flash, a heartbeat? Perhaps not externally, but that is why I said, when posed the question regarding the paying of the taxes: [ "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's Matthew 22:21 ] , but move on to your power. In other words, allow your infiltration of your power to seep in. YOU are manifesting the circumstances you are witnessing. Don't like them- change them. But not in fear, not in cowardness, but in true identification with the Source. I am the Source of all before me. I am the creator of this. There is no external outside force exerting influence upon you. "Well, the Universe has decreed", folks, and hear this well, for as it is decreed so it is, You are the Universe. You are the one in charge. Need a miracle, perform a miracle. "But it is too hard. Only you Sananda, can perform miracles" and I say hogwash to that too. You are all journeymen back to Truth- each and everyone of you. You have all the same quota of God energy within. YOU are dictating from within how you choose to use it. What will I have today. "But Sananda, my circumstances are not as favorable as this person's." And so, perhaps over lifetimes, your interference with the acknowledgment of the Truth of who you are has led you to feel small, has led you to feel undeserving and so you have allowed only the small pellets of food to be served on your plate of life. Choose again my fellow friends and comrades in Truth. Choose again.
This is life. There is a reason for life. This is not a mistake. You are not a mistake. You were destined to be here. Each and everyone of you. But you in your infinite wisdom must decide what you will have in your three square meals each day. The love of power, judgment and condemnation or the love of God sourced energy, innate wisdom and power. The energy of the Universe, the cosmos is literally infiltrated in your cellular structure. How would you function otherwise? How could you be even in existence? Did you ever wonder about that? Why do you exist? How do you exist? What keeps you going? Wake up sleepyheads. Did you you ever say that to the small wee ones in the morning? Wake up and arise.
There is grandeur to be discovered. Take your holy foot out of the bed you slumber in, in the morning and say: "Today I will be holy. Today, I will acknowledge my self mastery. Today I will discover my purpose for being on this planet. Today I am awakening". And during your day, when you remember these words, reframe your experience. If you find yourself agreeing to a conversation filled with negativity, say to yourself, "And what purpose is there in using the God given resources that I possess to focus on the negative- to create more negativity"- for that is what you are doing my friends. You are infiltrating your consciousness with even more negative thought patterns- so in the idle conversation- I will choose to select the positive, "ah, but it is a beautiful day today. But that is a nice bonnet you are wearing today Harriet." And do not judge these others for the engagement of the strife of the negative newsfeed if you will. For have you ALL not been doing so for hundreds and thousands of years. So who am I to judge this behavior. Yes, I have done this. In fact, I was just engaging in it just a few minutes ago until my attention got a higher awareness. And that is the key- you have now energetically lifted yourself up- you have chosen to be a conscious creator in your day. And that is what the world needs now- Conscious Creators.
It is time to no longer blame the fathers and forefathers for the problems on Mother Earth. Whether it is a large scale issue, or an issue created at the office water cooler- they are all the same in actuality. "A problem external to me as I see it". The question is, do you have the willingness to arise in the morning, each and every morning now and learn a better way? It is time to choose Your love, Your power, Your Christhood power. The time of idolatry is over. I am not going to save you. But I am here as an instructor if you will have me, as you learn to save yourselves. Go in peace. Go in love. Go in service to the Truth. There is but one God and he lives and resides within me. To whom will I serve- where will I focus my attention. What will I teach myself and all of humanity about who I really am. Who we are really/really are. I am but one voice- but one voice plus one voice plus one voice creates a crowd my friend and one more voice creates a grouping and one more voice changes the world.
Do not be overwhelmed by the task at hand. "Me, Sananda, change the world? One small voice? But Sananda, what if that is not safe, What if I am judged, ridiculed, shot at? Then simply hold the intention. The mind is powerful to create, is it not. You can choose to not say a word, but instead hold the new thought, the new idea within your consciousness. One small inner voice it would be then. Either way, your consciousness is changed then, your awareness, your focus. And that is what this message is about Your life will never be the same when you decide/choose to start this process. You mean I had this power all along Sananda? Yes, my friend, you certainly did. Go in peace. Go in love and go in service. Until we speak again. I remain, your brother, your friend Sananda