Be w(holy) committed to Truth. Being w(holy) committed means you allow the moment to be, just as it is. You stay present in it. And by remaining with what is, instead of denying it, instead of running away from it, instead of complaining that it exists, you then have opportunity to change it. And how do you change it? By shifting the energy of it. By shifting your perspective of it. By allowing your Higher Self to show you what it has to say about it, and revealing it's insights. But the first step is to Allow. Allowance Changes Everything.
So how do you "Allow"? You allow by taking the Holy Breath. The Holy Breath allows you time to be with what is. It keeps you from running. Running into another room in your mind. And with the next breath and the next breath, you can come to quiet the mind. And with a quieter mind, comes revelation. Comes the all knowing presence of your True Self, your Higher Wisdom. All because you had the Holy Wisdom to be with what is, to take the Holy Breath and listen to your Higher Truth.
The more moments you can bring in this Higher Truth, the more that your life will shift. It will shift into a higher, grander union with your True Self. It is because you are Allowing, it is because you are Breathing, and it is because you are now Listening and Shifting.
And the more that you begin to listen, the clearer the communication is, because the less resistance you have to receiving the message(s). You begin to welcome them into your life. You look forward to them. All because, you Allowed, You took a Breath, You Listened, and You Shifted.
The world may continue to be self absorbed in idol images. But as you Allow, as you Breathe, as you Listen, and as you Shift, more and more you will come to understand there is a lighter, easier way to travel through time.
Therefore be at peace. Know this peace. Claim this peace.
Through the Allowing,
Through the Breath,
Through the revelations of the Higher Self,
Through the Shifts in perspective.
You will suddenly come to see that it is not in the day's activities that I find the problem(s), but within the very nature of my mind. And as I used my "moments" in time to practice "shifting", I allow myself to be redirected by my Higher Self, through my mind.
And I find the answers I seek,
I find the pain lessening
I find Joy
I find Freedom
I find Lightness
I find Wholeness
I find Love
And as I continue to shift, I soon discover, this wayshower who I may think of as Jeshua, who may I think of as Sananda is Truly One with Who I Truly Am. I Truly Am this Higher Wisdom that is leading me Home.
So I become willing to be led.
I no longer need to pretend to "know"
I bow to Holy Wisdom
I take a back seat.
I do not know what anything is for.
I am wiser now.
I am healed as I allow myself to be healed.
So how do you "Allow"? You allow by taking the Holy Breath. The Holy Breath allows you time to be with what is. It keeps you from running. Running into another room in your mind. And with the next breath and the next breath, you can come to quiet the mind. And with a quieter mind, comes revelation. Comes the all knowing presence of your True Self, your Higher Wisdom. All because you had the Holy Wisdom to be with what is, to take the Holy Breath and listen to your Higher Truth.
The more moments you can bring in this Higher Truth, the more that your life will shift. It will shift into a higher, grander union with your True Self. It is because you are Allowing, it is because you are Breathing, and it is because you are now Listening and Shifting.
And the more that you begin to listen, the clearer the communication is, because the less resistance you have to receiving the message(s). You begin to welcome them into your life. You look forward to them. All because, you Allowed, You took a Breath, You Listened, and You Shifted.
The world may continue to be self absorbed in idol images. But as you Allow, as you Breathe, as you Listen, and as you Shift, more and more you will come to understand there is a lighter, easier way to travel through time.
Therefore be at peace. Know this peace. Claim this peace.
Through the Allowing,
Through the Breath,
Through the revelations of the Higher Self,
Through the Shifts in perspective.
You will suddenly come to see that it is not in the day's activities that I find the problem(s), but within the very nature of my mind. And as I used my "moments" in time to practice "shifting", I allow myself to be redirected by my Higher Self, through my mind.
And I find the answers I seek,
I find the pain lessening
I find Joy
I find Freedom
I find Lightness
I find Wholeness
I find Love
And as I continue to shift, I soon discover, this wayshower who I may think of as Jeshua, who may I think of as Sananda is Truly One with Who I Truly Am. I Truly Am this Higher Wisdom that is leading me Home.
So I become willing to be led.
I no longer need to pretend to "know"
I bow to Holy Wisdom
I take a back seat.
I do not know what anything is for.
I am wiser now.
I am healed as I allow myself to be healed.