You are in the driver's seat. Self love is the gas. Drive. Greetings, this is Sananda and a good day it is because you are awakening. You have made sufficient contact with the ethereal world to begin. You are to be your own savior. You are to awaken you. You understand that. In fact, that is what channeling in essence is.
For who do you suppose you are talking with? conversing? You are claiming your right to freedom from this dream, or nightmare. And as you do the rules change - for you declare that too. Do you see? You are multi-dimensional. You are here and you are there. You are finished with this life and you are starting the next one. You are healing in this life and you are eliminating the need for experiences in the next. Already healed, problem already solved- next.
The first step to true awakening is to step out in faith and wisdom and realize in another dimensional experience, you are already there. So, in an advanced sense, it is but to discover it. "Oh, I hope one day enlightenment will happen to me", as if you are waiting for a care package to fall from Heaven addressed to you. If you need that and want that, by the way, then we say- "Here it is!" .
Imagine a parcel you have received in the mail with your name on it- we kid you not. Enlightenment package. Everything you need to start your enlightenment process. So you see, and we hope that you do - as you use your imagination to claim what you do want - so will you attain it. The first step, which you- everyone of you reading this has successfully achieved is to realize that this process IS- my friends and countrymen, truly attainable in this lifetime.
You must break the "imagined" glass ceiling and claim this for yourself. You see, you are the ultimate creator. God has bestowed upon you complete free will as you have been told. What you haven't gotten (for the most part) up until now, is that you can actually use this will and create, change things, alchemy. Alchemists you can be - all of you. As you claim that for yourself.
Be clear - on a world level, the world is changing because you have declared it to be so. You, as a unified ONE, are ready for change. Unified Alchemists, if you will - global consciousness. In another state of reality, and this is where some of you get your minds blown off - literally - our little pun - you create as One. You are not consciously aware of this yet, but one day this too will come to pass.
So things are changing. We guarantee it. Watch for it and know that this is occurring. Anything hidden, swept under the rug, can no longer be quarantined. It is coming into Full View because the people (on the higher ONE level we have spoken) demand it. The question is how to wake up your individual conscious selves, one by one, little by little or sometimes in great steps - you are all beginning to do just that.
Just reading this material is changing your consciousness. If you are still reading this - and most of you are - your consciousness has just changed - just been raised and empowered. This is because these words are infiltrated with a new consciousness, a new lighter energetic pattern of awakening.
From a linear perspective, it is true- "One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions" On an energetic level, we are imbuing these words, the matrix of the letters and symbols (for all letters are really symbols) with new enlightened energy for all that are ready to receive it.
Truly change is in the air and molecules are reformulating to fit the new belief systems as we speak. Indeed - 60-70% of you reading this have adopted the new belief system just like that. Do not be concerned if you are not ready yet. Understand it is only a "yet". Perhaps you need an experience or two to be called to you before this new paradigm can be called to your belief system. That is fine. This is not a race. This is a self discovery process. And we are beaming with excitement over how fast everyone is ready to change, and we concur.
Change is due each and everyone of you. You are the changers. You are the ones who will help ground in the new belief sytsem and begin to create from this new higher structure. For belief equals reality. So the question we pose to you is what do you believe now? It is early to bed, early to rise time. Take your new beliefs and create. For you are creators.
Create your lives from the belief system that you can. You are working with your Higher Self, or your multi-dimensional self, as you are beginning to become aware of. So what changes would you like to see? Begin with small things. I would like to focus on the beauty of the world today - and then notice how many beautiful things pass you by. I would like to notice God today and then notice all the amazing things in your experience that have God's handiwork in them today. I would like to focus on love today, and then see all the expressions of love- it may be in your pet's eyes or in his tail, it might be in the care the store owner takes in wrapping your purchases, the examples are endless. And as you focus and attune to these higher vibration elements, they will then form more of your everyday reality. The 3D world is leaving you now, as you choose to release it. But as the old adage goes what you foucs on, you create more of. Focus on the "lighter" aspects of your everyday experience and watch your world shift.
The new world is here and we need strong creators to bring it into everyday reality experience. Will you help the journey back to Home. Will you help create Heaven on Earth. We are all one you must understand. While we are delivering this message to "you", there is a part of you that is with us here, cheering you on. We know what you are capable of. We have the utmost respect of the seemingly endless challenges you all are facing at this time We ask you to focus your energies on Truth at this time and follow your sister's Helen Keller's, truest remark, when you "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow". It is time to create.
Create more love, create more Joy, create more friendships, both on Earth and on Higher Dimensions. (we are here for each and every one of you) and create from the Heart. Now is the time to release the negative and Trust that you have the Power to bring the New Earth into your awareness. IT is here for the taking. Yes, Dorothy, you indeed had the power to come Home all along. With Blessings and true admiration for each brother and sisters reading these words, I remain, Sananda
For who do you suppose you are talking with? conversing? You are claiming your right to freedom from this dream, or nightmare. And as you do the rules change - for you declare that too. Do you see? You are multi-dimensional. You are here and you are there. You are finished with this life and you are starting the next one. You are healing in this life and you are eliminating the need for experiences in the next. Already healed, problem already solved- next.
The first step to true awakening is to step out in faith and wisdom and realize in another dimensional experience, you are already there. So, in an advanced sense, it is but to discover it. "Oh, I hope one day enlightenment will happen to me", as if you are waiting for a care package to fall from Heaven addressed to you. If you need that and want that, by the way, then we say- "Here it is!" .
Imagine a parcel you have received in the mail with your name on it- we kid you not. Enlightenment package. Everything you need to start your enlightenment process. So you see, and we hope that you do - as you use your imagination to claim what you do want - so will you attain it. The first step, which you- everyone of you reading this has successfully achieved is to realize that this process IS- my friends and countrymen, truly attainable in this lifetime.
You must break the "imagined" glass ceiling and claim this for yourself. You see, you are the ultimate creator. God has bestowed upon you complete free will as you have been told. What you haven't gotten (for the most part) up until now, is that you can actually use this will and create, change things, alchemy. Alchemists you can be - all of you. As you claim that for yourself.
Be clear - on a world level, the world is changing because you have declared it to be so. You, as a unified ONE, are ready for change. Unified Alchemists, if you will - global consciousness. In another state of reality, and this is where some of you get your minds blown off - literally - our little pun - you create as One. You are not consciously aware of this yet, but one day this too will come to pass.
So things are changing. We guarantee it. Watch for it and know that this is occurring. Anything hidden, swept under the rug, can no longer be quarantined. It is coming into Full View because the people (on the higher ONE level we have spoken) demand it. The question is how to wake up your individual conscious selves, one by one, little by little or sometimes in great steps - you are all beginning to do just that.
Just reading this material is changing your consciousness. If you are still reading this - and most of you are - your consciousness has just changed - just been raised and empowered. This is because these words are infiltrated with a new consciousness, a new lighter energetic pattern of awakening.
From a linear perspective, it is true- "One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions" On an energetic level, we are imbuing these words, the matrix of the letters and symbols (for all letters are really symbols) with new enlightened energy for all that are ready to receive it.
Truly change is in the air and molecules are reformulating to fit the new belief systems as we speak. Indeed - 60-70% of you reading this have adopted the new belief system just like that. Do not be concerned if you are not ready yet. Understand it is only a "yet". Perhaps you need an experience or two to be called to you before this new paradigm can be called to your belief system. That is fine. This is not a race. This is a self discovery process. And we are beaming with excitement over how fast everyone is ready to change, and we concur.
Change is due each and everyone of you. You are the changers. You are the ones who will help ground in the new belief sytsem and begin to create from this new higher structure. For belief equals reality. So the question we pose to you is what do you believe now? It is early to bed, early to rise time. Take your new beliefs and create. For you are creators.
Create your lives from the belief system that you can. You are working with your Higher Self, or your multi-dimensional self, as you are beginning to become aware of. So what changes would you like to see? Begin with small things. I would like to focus on the beauty of the world today - and then notice how many beautiful things pass you by. I would like to notice God today and then notice all the amazing things in your experience that have God's handiwork in them today. I would like to focus on love today, and then see all the expressions of love- it may be in your pet's eyes or in his tail, it might be in the care the store owner takes in wrapping your purchases, the examples are endless. And as you focus and attune to these higher vibration elements, they will then form more of your everyday reality. The 3D world is leaving you now, as you choose to release it. But as the old adage goes what you foucs on, you create more of. Focus on the "lighter" aspects of your everyday experience and watch your world shift.
The new world is here and we need strong creators to bring it into everyday reality experience. Will you help the journey back to Home. Will you help create Heaven on Earth. We are all one you must understand. While we are delivering this message to "you", there is a part of you that is with us here, cheering you on. We know what you are capable of. We have the utmost respect of the seemingly endless challenges you all are facing at this time We ask you to focus your energies on Truth at this time and follow your sister's Helen Keller's, truest remark, when you "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow". It is time to create.
Create more love, create more Joy, create more friendships, both on Earth and on Higher Dimensions. (we are here for each and every one of you) and create from the Heart. Now is the time to release the negative and Trust that you have the Power to bring the New Earth into your awareness. IT is here for the taking. Yes, Dorothy, you indeed had the power to come Home all along. With Blessings and true admiration for each brother and sisters reading these words, I remain, Sananda