It is a bloody shame to let others meddle in your affairs. It is time to get on with the business of living Life. Life is to be lived. That is the essential ingredient. Squabbles are rubbish. Rubbish man. Truth is what we should all be talking about here. We all need love man. This is the ticket to ride. Don't be hell bent on seeking trouble. They have you just where they want you then. Ah- she was going to lift up the world, but we have her tied up in knots, just like a cat with a ball of yarn. Use that imagery to help you. IMAGINE truth.
My truth is we are all One and it is time to arm ourselves with love man and take back our right to live life our way. Not your way. Not your father's way. Your imagery will serve you, help you get through the knots of life and get untangled. We are each responsible for untangling ourselves.
It is a bloody nightmare. Armored guards everywhere. Let it be man. Let your hair down. Let your love out. May love rain on my parade now. There needs to be no more war. No more gunshots. No more bloody nightmares. All this killing is just raising the stakes, raising up the ante.
You say you want peace but look at how you yourself struggle from day to day. YOU must be the example. You cannot speak of peace while fighting amongst yourselves. All- everything you see in the world, is an outpicturing of your consciousness. Every single one of you. Even the transciber of this book is trying to untangle herself from time to time. That is what you must each do.
It's abominable out there. Simply outrageous. And all these war heroes. We killed in the name of peace. You killed someone's brother, someone's uncle. How is that something to be proud of? We must each take responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and especially our thoughts. Pay attention to your thoughts. Are you angry at the person in front of you at a peace rally because you cannot see the speaker? See what I mean? There is anger going on everywhere, unnoticed. This is what has to end- needs to end if we are going to win this agape war of love.
We are the real war mongers, we are our enemy. Until we truly own this and understand that we extend our consciousness out into the world man, it will all be up for grabs. When I was on Earth, I saw the changes that were coming. I saw that real change was needed. But it wasn't my time. There is an ebb and flow to things. A cyclical movement of things. I was part of the sixties revolution. There is more to come. More good changes occurring- but to get there, we must get out of our own bloody way. We must change the way we habitate this Mother Earth.
© Nicole Gans Singer and John Lennon Speaks, 2014-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this Blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
My truth is we are all One and it is time to arm ourselves with love man and take back our right to live life our way. Not your way. Not your father's way. Your imagery will serve you, help you get through the knots of life and get untangled. We are each responsible for untangling ourselves.
It is a bloody nightmare. Armored guards everywhere. Let it be man. Let your hair down. Let your love out. May love rain on my parade now. There needs to be no more war. No more gunshots. No more bloody nightmares. All this killing is just raising the stakes, raising up the ante.
You say you want peace but look at how you yourself struggle from day to day. YOU must be the example. You cannot speak of peace while fighting amongst yourselves. All- everything you see in the world, is an outpicturing of your consciousness. Every single one of you. Even the transciber of this book is trying to untangle herself from time to time. That is what you must each do.
It's abominable out there. Simply outrageous. And all these war heroes. We killed in the name of peace. You killed someone's brother, someone's uncle. How is that something to be proud of? We must each take responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and especially our thoughts. Pay attention to your thoughts. Are you angry at the person in front of you at a peace rally because you cannot see the speaker? See what I mean? There is anger going on everywhere, unnoticed. This is what has to end- needs to end if we are going to win this agape war of love.
We are the real war mongers, we are our enemy. Until we truly own this and understand that we extend our consciousness out into the world man, it will all be up for grabs. When I was on Earth, I saw the changes that were coming. I saw that real change was needed. But it wasn't my time. There is an ebb and flow to things. A cyclical movement of things. I was part of the sixties revolution. There is more to come. More good changes occurring- but to get there, we must get out of our own bloody way. We must change the way we habitate this Mother Earth.
© Nicole Gans Singer and John Lennon Speaks, 2014-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this Blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.